
Anorak News | Pet cats eat Hampshire woman called Mrs Veal

Pet cats eat Hampshire woman called Mrs Veal

by | 14th, August 2013

veal chicken

NOMINATIVE determinism watch: the woman eaten by her own cats was called…Janet Veal.

Mrs Veal died at her home in Ringwood, Hampshire. No-one noticed until the post began to build up. A policeman found the 56-year-old’s body on the kitchen floor, her body “gnawed and eaten” by her pet cats still alive. The one dog in the home was also dead.

The Coroner reports:

“…it was clear that certain parts of Mrs Veal’s body were missing and had, the officer formed the view, effectively been gnawed and eaten away by the animals…There is no indication otherwise and no suggestion, if I can go to the complete extreme, any suggestion that she had been in any way attacked by the animals while she was alive.”

No suggestion at all that the cats attacked Mrs Veal. None at all. No way…

Posted: 14th, August 2013 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink