
Ian Curtis

Posts Tagged ‘Ian Curtis’

For Sale: Joy Division Lead Singer Ian Curtis’ Kitchen Table

ian curtis kitchen table

THE £100 reserve price for Ian Curtis’ kitchen gable had yet to be met.

The item is the genuine deal. A certificate of authenticity has been signed by Curtis’ daughter Natalie and Curtis’ widow Debbie . The table was owned by Curtis’ neighbour, whose daughter – the seller – has also vouched for its providence.

Dorothy Smith bought  77 Barton Street, Macclesfield, with everything in it from Debbie.

The seller narrates the table’s history:

In 1996 the table was passed to Dorothy’s Daughter Vicky Morgan when she got married and set up home in Macclesfield. In December 2005 the Morgan’s were redecorating and felt that the table no longer fitted in with their own home. They offered the table back to the family and contacted them via Marco of Joy Division Central.

With the filming of Control taking place in Barton Street and Natalie Curtis arranging the props the table was offered but was declined.

Natalie Curtis, Ian and Debbie’s daughter was then going to take the table for her own flat but in the end decided to have one of her mums instead which belonged to her Grandmother.

At that point it went on Ebay and I travelled to Macclesfield after winning the bid.

So. You can buy the kitchen table where Ian Curtis might have eaten an egg or tapped out a melody to a Joy Division hit or contemplated suicide: 0n May 18 1980, Ian Curtis the singer of Joy Division committed suicide in the kitchen.

The Measurements are:-

  1. 75 cm Wide
  2. 98 cm Long
  3. 76 cm Tall
  4. Extend Flaps 28 cm each.

I easily got this table into my car, which if you have a 5 door car with seats that go down anyone else with a reasonable size car should do also.

Pop artefacts don’t come any more mundane than this.

Posted: 8th, November 2013 | In: Music, The Consumer | Comment