
Martin ran from twitter

Posts Tagged ‘Martin ran from twitter’

When Julia Cross met ‘Martin’, Martin ran from twitter, Facebook and Ibiza

ARE you ‘Martin’, the man who snogged Julia Cross, a 33-year-old PR consultant from London? If you are the Martin who kissed Miss cross in Ibiza, we have one word of advice: run!

In what will be one of the most exscrutiating articles of 2012, the London Evening Standard writes:

Friends of a PR consultant have started a nationwide hunt to find her holiday love.

Martin from Tooting, who “works in Camden as a software developer“, is being hunted down by PRs from the Chandler Chicco agency. They’ve created an email called Finding Martin and campaigns on Facebook and Twitter.

Miss Cross, from Clapham, might be work of parody (see photo). Says she:

“It was a really brilliant holiday and I can’t believe it but am hugely flattered that my friends are going to such extreme measures with this campaign.”

Julia’s colleague Samina Deen adds:

“For the last three months Julia has been regaling us with this story of how she met Martin, and all the ‘what ifs?’ It started off as a bit of a joke. We Googled him, searched LinkedIn and even started drinking in pubs in Tooting hoping to spot him. But then we began talking about the fact that it is a small world and friends may be connected to other friends. We decided that if we really put our minds to it we could probably track him down.”

The best line is:

She said Ms Cross had given Martin her telephone number but believes she got the digits wrong.

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Posted: 6th, January 2012 | In: Technology | Comment