
Anorak News | My Genes Are Too Tight

My Genes Are Too Tight

by | 3rd, November 2003

‘FOR years, fat people have insisted that it is not their fault that they have more rolls than Vanessa Feltz on baking day.

This island race

Now, it seems that they may have a point after scientists discovered that some people are genetically programmed to overeat.

A London-based research team claims to have identified as obesity gene, according to the Times, and hopes its discovery will help stem the worldwide tide of fat.

Researchers scanned 576 obese people and 646 people of normal weight in France and were able to identify two types of the GAD2 gene – one which protected against obesity and one which acted as an appetite enhancer.

However, in the Independent, Professor Philippe Froguel said genes alone couldn’t account for the rise on obesity levels, with only one in 10 obese people obese because of the GAD2 gene.

Britain is the fattest nation in Europe and spends £500m a year treating the epidemic.

However, scientists believe that they could reduce this figure by half if they can find a way to float Lisa Riley outside our territorial waters.’

Posted: 3rd, November 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink