
Anorak News | Horny, Horny, Horny

Horny, Horny, Horny

by | 4th, November 2003

‘EVEN the spooks at GCHQ will find it difficult to listen into Michael Howard’s conversations, not least because he communicates with his fellow bats at an ultra-sonic frequency.

The Gary Lucy of the ovine world

But there is another reason – our professional eavesdroppers’ attention has been taken up with a mysterious signal broadcast at roughly the same time every day from a field in Scarborough.

The Daily Observer, the inappropriately named paper for the 4,500 members of staff at the Cheltenham-based organisation, takes up the story (which is reproduced in the Times).

“An investigation was quickly launched, revealing that the signal was across all the high-frequency bands,” it says. “Stranger still, only Scarborough’s aerials could pick it up.

“Even stranger it happened only in daytime. And to one antenna in particular.

“Exhaustive tests were launched, revealing the answer – a horny ram.

“In between servicing some local ewes, it was partial to rubbing its horns against the aerial mast.”

A GCHQ spokesman explains to the Times that it was all part of the ritual the ram went through after it had made a conquest – a sort of notch in the proverbial bedpost.’

Posted: 4th, November 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink