
Anorak News | Go To Blazes

Go To Blazes

by | 13th, November 2003

‘GIVEN the many hours Hollywood stars have put in at charity fundraisers to collect money to fight AIDS and the like, isn’t it about time that we started doing something for them?

‘Don’t worry, mum. Dad wasn’t famous’

And in particular for those stars whose homes were destroyed by the recent fires in southern California.

Come on, there must be plenty of you who have benefited from one of those all-star gala evenings or from one of Elton John’s charity auctions.

Put your hand in your pocket (or the pocket of the person nearest you) and send us everything that you can afford to the Anorak Stars In Flames Appeal.

Stars like Will Smith and wife Jada who ‘were ready to evacuate their Ventura County mansion’, like Tom Selleck and Lisa Marie Presley, who ‘were near the devastating wall of flames’, and music legend Smokey Robinson, whose Indian Springs home ‘barely escaped destruction’.

Some money will of course also go to Keifer Sutherland and the stars of 24 who had just been filming in a field that was later struck by the fire.

‘We were lucky we didn’t get caught in it,’ a show source said. ‘That would have been a disaster.’

As it was, the 20 people who died in the inferno weren’t famous at all – so, were it not for the fact that the paint on some celebs’ houses almost blistered in the heat, we wouldn’t have bothered to mention it at all.’

Posted: 13th, November 2003 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink