
Anorak News | It’s Gym Life

It’s Gym Life

by | 16th, December 2003

‘ARE mobile phones the new cigarettes?

”I can bench press nine lovers at the same time”

If current trends continue, smokers will soon only be allowed to practise their art in five designated areas in the whole country – three of which are only accessible by air.

And they will soon be joined by those of us who do not seem to be able to spend five minutes without shouting phrases like ”I’m on the train” or ”I’ll call you later” at no-one in particular.

However, in the United States it is not the infernal ringing of mobiles or the inane conversations that they encourage that is getting the country in a sweat. It is the cameras.

According to the Independent, gyms and sports clubs are banning the use of mobile phones on the premises because they are worried that they might be misused ”for nefarious purposes”.

”Images of naked fellow members can instantly be captured and transmitted over the airwaves to almost anywhere, including internet pornography sites,” it says.

All of which is no doubt true, but it still doesn’t explain the ban.

Experience of gym changing rooms suggests that there are two categories of users – the ones who you would never want to look at, let alone photograph, and the ones who love their bodies so much that they could imagine nothing better than it being broadcast across the world.’

Posted: 16th, December 2003 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink