
Anorak News | Goodwill Hunting

Goodwill Hunting

by | 6th, January 2004

‘IT is customary at Christmas for businesses to send cards to their best customers, their suppliers and even journalists they want to suck up to.

‘And here’s how you cook the books’

But most contain relatively anodyne messages inside – ‘Seasons Greetings’, ‘Have A Prosperous 2004’ and the like.

Disgraced dairy giant Parmalat, however, has opted for a slightly more piquant message in its greetings to journalists.

‘I wish you and your families a slow and painful death,’ former finance director Fausto Tonna said as he entered the public prosecutor’s office in Parma yesterday.

It is in such a spirit of kindness that we hope Signor Tonna rots in whichever prison he is being held.

And we would also like to remind him that we expect him to wear a tie for his next appearance in front of the magistrate.

As for Parmalat itself, Italian investigators have discovered that, as part of a massive fraud, several company documents had been forged using scissors and a scanner.

Even in Italy, Blue Peter has a lot to answer for.’

Posted: 6th, January 2004 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink