
Anorak News | A Dog’s Life

A Dog’s Life

by | 22nd, March 2004

‘FOOLS and their money are soon parted, says the old adage, but not half as quickly as dog lovers are separated from their wallets.

The lap-dog of luxury

The British spend a staggering £73m a month on unnecessary extras for their pooches, ranging from canine manicures to commissioning a portrait of the little mutt.

And it isn’t dotty old women or lonely old men who are the biggest spenders, but 16 to 34-year-olds who feel guilty about being out at work all day.

According to the poll carried in the Express, nearly 70% of dog owners buy their hound a Christmas present and 40% buy it a birthday present.

Half of all owners allow their dogs to sleep on their bed at night, a third spend money on manicures and hair-cuts and one in 12 commissions a portrait of their pet.

It really is a dog’s life…’

Posted: 22nd, March 2004 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink