
Anorak News | Schnapps, Crackle & Pop

Schnapps, Crackle & Pop

by | 23rd, April 2004

‘AN Austrian waitress, who accidentally served guests industrial strength cleaning detergent instead of schnapps, has been found guilty of causing bodily harm and fined £500.

The court in Klagenfurt in southern Austria heard how five diners ended up in hospital after drinking the liquid, which the overworked waitress had mistaken for the house schnapps.

They were taken to a local hospital after another guest, who had refused to drink the schnapps because it smelt so strange, called an ambulance.

The waitress told the court that she had been ‘stressed’ and had grabbed the wrong bottle from the cellar.

It makes you wonder about the house schnapps…’

Posted: 23rd, April 2004 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink