
Anorak News | Dry Rot ‘n’ Roll

Dry Rot ‘n’ Roll

by | 5th, July 2004

‘IN the middle of OK! is a pair of staples. And if you tug on them hard, an insert fall out called Hot Stars.

‘Okay, guys. Don’t mob me!’

This is OK! for the cynics, the reminder to all the celebs fawned over and brown-nosed in the magazine proper that they are only moments away from being destroyed by that which created them.

So this week we get Hot Stars looking at Kate Moss’s red-raw spots, a section entitled ‘EMBARRASSING DADS’, in which Guy Ritchie and Richard Madeley feature prominently, and an interview with Alex Sibley.

Alex’s fame credentials include his appearance on Big Brother (he lost), an outing on Blind Date (he won a trip to Dubai) and taking two bottles of Domestos into the shower that his housemates had just crapped in.

He’s now working as a housing officer. We’re not sure what that is, but Alex is happy to do it.

‘It’s nice to have a normal, real job,’ says he. ‘I’m also going to college to learn about dry rot and stuff like that. ‘

So that’s what a housing officer is – a failed estate agent. Alex has achieved the impossible!

He has moved sideways from the lowest rung of celebrity’s ladder to swim with the employment plankton.

Oh, and he plays tennis on Wednesdays. But not on Tuesdays, Mondays or even Thursdays. Which is odd, but something Hot Stars thinks is not worth looking into any deeper.

Would OK! ever be so slack?’

Posted: 5th, July 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink