
Anorak News | Chicken Stu

Chicken Stu

by | 26th, July 2004

‘WHEN Joanna Clark (aka Joanna Taylor) got engaged to Danny Murphy, OK! celebrated by choosing her as its cover girl for the week.

‘She’ll be wearing Stuart, when she comes…’

But even as a blushing bride, Joanna is upstaged this week by a “Big Brother exclusive” – “the secret girl Stuart’s kept from Michelle” and “their wedding plans”.

This is heady stuff and even Posh and Becks in their heyday would have struggled to beat the two lovebirds to pole position.

However, further investigation reveals that the story is not all it Is cracked up to be.

Not only has Stuart kept this girl secret from Michelle, but it seems that he’s also kept it secret from OK!, which makes no more mention of her inside.

And as for the couple’s wedding plans, it would be fair to say that OK! won’t be rushing out to buy a hat and a couple of dozen rolls of film just yet.

Stuart’s friend Tom Cumberbirch explains: “Getting married and having kids are definitely in his plans, but they are still a few years down the line.”

And will it be Michelle who walks down the aisle with him when he does eventually get round to it?

Not if past performance has got anything to do with it.

“Stuart has a real thing for intellectual girls,” says Tom. “It’s his thing and even at school he would pursue the really intelligent girls – they would be good-looking too, but he really likes a smart woman.”

Then again, for all we know about Michelle, she could be an intellectual.

After all, her friend Kelly Wilce insists that “casual sex is just not her thing”.

Something that will come as something of a surprise to anyone who has watched her desperately try to, er, pluck her chicken over the past few weeks.’

Posted: 26th, July 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink