
Anorak News | Agent Orange

Agent Orange

by | 10th, September 2004

‘EVER since Lord Sutch stopped contesting every by-election, we’ve been waiting for a new itinerant political champion of the people.

The new face of British politics

But now the wait is over because the Independent hears Robert Kilroy-Silk, the UK Independence party MEP, say that he intends to contest a Westminster seat.

And, seemingly, any seat will do. The money is in place and Kilroy says it’s ‘open-ended’, so allowing him to carry on even if constituency after constituency runs him out of town.

‘We are going to change the face of British politics for ever, and I promise you I will not let the British people down,’ he thundered.

This new face will, of course, be orange and will fly in the red, blue and yellow faces of what white tan man calls ‘lying politicians’ and a ‘lazy, sloppy media’.

‘People are deeply angry about the way they are made to feel guilty about being proud to be British or ashamed to celebrate Christmas,’ he said, shamelessly wooing the elf vote.

‘Are we allowed to say that this is a terrible thing to have done to ordinary, decent people?’

What this terrible thing that’s been done is Kilroy does not make explicit (presumably, because so many terrible things have been done).

And as for ordinary, decent people…well, as anyone who watched his TV show about cheating spouses, maltreated children and one-armed Arab suicide bombers will know, they simply do not exist.’

Posted: 10th, September 2004 | In: Uncategorized Comment | TrackBack | Permalink