
Anorak News | Browned Off

Browned Off

by | 20th, October 2004

‘IT’S encouraging to see that the recent claims by tanning expert Dannielle Heath have not deterred Posh Spice from going brown.

”Did I tell you about when we first met?”

Good on her for sticking to her colour scheme, one that has worked well for thousands, if not millions, of Indians for millennia.

Of course, the tan may be real and, if so, we wonder what panda eyes lurk behind the huge pair of sunglasses Posh uses to hide a large part of her face.

But let’s not worry, because it’s also encouraging to note that having been made to look a fool by Day-vid and Rebecca Loos, Posh has not abandoned her natural gift for being a laughing stock.

So there she is dressed in huge poncho, stepping into a car. And here she is issuing a joint statement with her doting husband about Ms Heath.

”We are sick and tired of people trying to make money at the expense of our family,” says she and he.

And what’s more, we also hear that David is seeing a marriage guidance councillor.

”David was against it at first,” says a source, ”he didn’t feel able to talk to a perfect stranger about his marriage.”

Unless, of course, they worked for the press…’

Posted: 20th, October 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink