
Anorak News | Marriage Vow

Marriage Vow

by | 27th, October 2004

‘MODELS, we know, are not renowned for their brains and it stands to reason that supermodels are thicker than your average catalogue clothes horse.

Caprice was in her school bikini team

So when we learn that when she was young, Caprice wouldn’t even answer a question in the classroom, we suspect that shyness may not have been the only reason.

But she’s 29 now and, although the blonde hair is still, well, blonde, her shyness has abated to the extent that she’s happy to parade around in next to nothing.

What is more, she now has a bit more experience of life – and frankly therefore we are disappointed to hear her coming out with statements like the following:

“When you talk about marriage,” she tells Hello!, “you’re talking about the rest of your life, and you have to be 100 per cent committed.”

Poppycock, my girl. If Mr and Mrs J Public need only be about 60% committed to get married these days, then celebrities can walk down the aisle with barely double-digit commitment.

Marriage is, as the wedding service so eloquently says, to be entered into unadvisedly, lightly, wantonly, to satisfy men’s carnal lusts and appetites, like brute beasts that have no understanding.

And as for it being for the rest of your life, get real.

As Jennifer Lopez will testify, a true celebrity’s day doesn’t really start until they’ve got their first wedding ceremony out of the way…’

Posted: 27th, October 2004 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink