
Anorak News | Joey Goes Public

Joey Goes Public

by | 19th, August 2005

‘MATT LeBlanc was wise enough to realise that with the Friends TV show still fresh in people’s minds, he should cash in while his name was linked to success.

‘They made me do it’

Hang the fact that his new show Joey makes him look sluggish, stupid, untalented and patently unfunny, and just sit back and enjoy the fame and the money.

So that’s what Matt’s been doing – only he’s been doing it with a naked stripper in his lap at a nightclub “awash with drugs”.

But Matt has realised that such antics do not play out well with his image of a family man – he’s married with a young daughter – and has chosen to speak with the Enquirer to put the record straight.

“The stripper was all over me,” says Matt. “I acted like a fool in allowing myself to be led astray and placed in such a horrible situation and I feel ashamed.”

Acting the fool is, of course, what Matt does best (see Friends and Joey), but can he get away with it this time?

At aged 37, surely Matt, however foolish, is too old to be led by peer pressure. And given his girth, are we to believe that this stripper was too strong to be pushed off?

The Enquirer hears what Matt has to say and tells its readers that the actor was drinking heavily, “with his hands all over an exotic dancer”.

Says Matt: “I am a guy who walked into a strip club, had too much to drink, got carried away with a dancer for a mad moment and am now paying the price for allowing myself to be lured into that position.”

Lured? By what bait? A dancer who charges $30-$50 for a private dance, who works in a girlie bar?

“I remember feeling uncomfortable about so many things and wanting to leave but not wanting to ruin the night for everyone else,” says Matt modestly.

So he stayed. And one thing led to another. “It was like I was being singled out or something,” says Matt. “Almost set up.”

Which all adds up to Matt saying he did cavort with a naked woman but whatever happened wasn’t his fault. He is a victim of circumstance. He might even be the victim of a dastardly plot.

Hey, he might even be stupid…’

Posted: 19th, August 2005 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink