
Anorak News | Di A Thousand Deaths

Di A Thousand Deaths

by | 17th, October 2005

‘LIKE the Express – which leads with a shot of Princess Di and the headline “DIANA’S DRIVER WAS NOT DRUNK” – Paul Burrell cannot leave the woman’s corpse alone.

‘I’m looking afer it for a dear friend’

As the Sun says, the toadying former butler has just finished hosting a weekend break at Littlecote House Hotel at Hungerford, Berkshire.

Burrell fans and the Diana fixated paid £400 each to attend “A Royal Invitation With Paul Burrell”, and sit slack-jawed and drooling as the ex-Royal flunkey wove his tales on his life as Diana’s rock.

But you need not pay anything like that – thanks to the Sun (yours for a mere 30p), you can hear Burrell talk to you directly.

Ignoring the empty seats at the Diana conference – of which an insider says there were “lots” – Burrell tells all.

“I am a rich man now,” says he. “Richer than I’ve ever been.” Indeed, we are all the richer for Paul’s stories, and for having through them come to know the real Diana.

But Burrell is also rich in other ways. He’s made a pile of cash peddling his tales of Diana. “I can’t defend myself against making money,” says he, “but I am helping to keep the Princess’s memory alive.”

Which, all said and done, is the important thing. Indeed, it’s a valuable service. What odds Sir Paul Burrell, knighted for services to geology, storage and cryogenics?’

Posted: 17th, October 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink