
Anorak News | Hurtful Words

Hurtful Words

by | 10th, December 2005



“10,000 dentists have quit health service since 1997”

“The agency nurses who cost £1,100 for one shift” – Some temporary nurses cost the equivalent of £88 an hour

“Middle class women face higher breast cancer risk” – So says a study carried out by the National Institute of Health in the US

“Children of five ‘should be given lessons in sex’” – So says Government advisors. Oh, Brave New World of erotic play

“Women ruining their love lies with worry” – More than 2,500 woman called the Sexual Dysfunction Association for help last year


“The ‘dangerous’ year before the menopause” – The decade before the change could be crucial in preventing brittle bones and heart diseases say researchers at Wake Forest University Medical Centre, North Carolina

“How those marital rows can be bad for the health” – Study says physical wounds on rowing married couples take longer to heal

“Police are too busy with terror to check up on paedophiles”

“Pensioner dies after 40 hours on a hospital trolley” – Constance Francis, 84, died of internal bleeding after doctors failed to notice her seven broken ribs


“20st girls in weight loss surgery killed by hospital blunder” – Doctors failed to remove a band that had been surgically placed around Hayley Caunter’s stomach

“Two-month operation delay is OK is if it saves money, say Hewitt” – Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt “urged hospital to delay treatment to save money”


“The hospital go-slow. Cash crisis at 25pc of trust will add to surgery delays”

“Sicknesss at the heart of our health service”

“Killed by a meatball. Girl of five chocked to death as she hurried to finish school dinner” – Hannah Howes was rushing her dinner to go out to play


“Mercedes brake fault ‘has caused death crashes’” – German car maker upbraided for an alleged fault in the breaking system on its Sprinter vans involved in crashes that have cost six lives

“EAT , DRINK TOO MUCH AND NHS MAY DENY YOU CARE” – Smokers drinkers and the fat could be denied treatment on the NHS’

Posted: 10th, December 2005 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink