
Anorak News | Quality Time

Quality Time

by | 15th, February 2006

‘IN the celebrity game of oneupmanship, it’s hats and knickers off to Sharon Stone.

Roan Stone goes home

While most of her peers lose weight and husbands, Sharon has managed to lose her son – for a whole year!

And no, Sharon did not become separated from young Roan in some huge, soulless shopping mall. She lost him in court.

News is that the actress and her ex-husband Phil Bronstein have settled their bitter custody battle by agreeing to share their adopted son Roan.

The agreement is such that for one year, five-year-old Roan will live with dad in San Francisco.

After 12 months, he will be shuttled to Los Angeles, to spend the next year living with his mum.

This protracted game of pass the parcel will continue for the next four years, at which time the agreement will be reviewed.

And, maybe, Roan sent to spend the next year living with those nice people at the clinic…’

Posted: 15th, February 2006 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink