
Anorak News | Regime Change

Regime Change

by | 2nd, March 2006

‘WHEN you know that the story is about the upper echelons of US politics and you read the headline “She looks like an 18-year-old prom queen” you gulp harder than, well, insert our own gag here.

‘I need a running mate’

But you need not worry. No intern is twanging her thong at President Bush. This teenage prom queen is none other than Condoleezza Rice, the women with the exercise regime to end them all.

Beneath a picture of the US Secretary of State pumping iron in the gym, seated on a contraption that itself rests beneath a sign that demands “HAMMER STRENGTH”, “Times fitness writer” Gabby Logan gives the Rice fitness regime the once over.

Logan says the schedule is demanding. The Rice workout would challenge most 21—year-olds, let alone a 51-year-old, says Logan. But the results are great. Rice is “slim, toned, with fabulous skin and bags of energy.” If Rice ever leaves politics she could star in adverts for Pedigree Chum.

The only danger is that, according to Logan, Rice has an “obsessive attitude” to keeping in shape, even is she is “the most powerful woman in the world”.

So let us take a look at Condi’s routine. And you can join in because, as the Times reports, Rice has invited cameras to film her exercising in her departmental gym.

This is the exercise video to end them all. Eat your heart out, with a kebab on the side, Jade Goody. Put the tin can dumbbells down, Anthea Turner. What Jane Fonda began, Condi now takes to new levels.

And she never misses a workout. Even as Rice steps off a 15-hour flight from the Middle East her thoughts turn to the gym.

For anyone wishing to follow the Rice regime, Condi’s routine sees her rise at 4:30am. She climbs onto an exercise bike. She peddles for two minutes. This is followed by 40-45 minutes on a treadmill and elliptical trainer. Then there are blasts of power walking, “core conditioning” exercises to strengthen the back and stomach muscles, and finally weights.

It might look like a lot, but this is what you have to do if you want to have the President’s ear and be talked about as America’s first female leader.

So, come on ladies, what are you waiting for? Put those shopping bags down, confine the kids to quarters and let your man iron his own shirt. It’s time to get with the rebuilding programme. It’s time for a Rice-inspired keep-fit regime change…’

Posted: 2nd, March 2006 | In: Uncategorized Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink