
Anorak News | The World’s Fattest Man Doesn’t Eat Pudding

The World’s Fattest Man Doesn’t Eat Pudding

by | 21st, October 2009

paul-mason2THE world’s fattest bloke Paul Mason continues to fascinate. The Sun leads with him once more and tells readers that he “Scoffs 4 large cod, 2 pies, 4 battered sausage, 6 large chips, mushy peas, curry sauce (and that’s just his lunch.)” That’s right, Mr Mason eats no pudding.

How many peas, the Sun does not say, but it is encouraging to note that Paul Mason is enjoying his greens, and sticks to fixed meal times.

And he gulped down ANOTHER lot for supper. It also emerged that Paul, 48, often rolled his 3ft-wide wheelchair through a McDonald’s DRIVE-THRU to pick up huge quantities of burgers and fries… Fish bar manager Bob Singh Phagura, who revealed Paul’s gigantic orders, said: “They would normally feed an army.”

And army marches on its stomach, and it could march on Paul’s, before setting up camp in his TV-shirt.

Yesterday, an NHS spokesman said the aim is to preserve Mr Mason’s “dignity”. Today the Sun Paul Mason wanted to be gargantuan, and in “70-stone Brit’s tragic ambition”, we find out more.

His bizarre ambition came to light three years ago after he lost 20 stone in hospital. Paul, now 48, told stunned staff his weight loss was not what he really yearned for. A health care insider said: “When he left he moaned he was missing the chance of becoming the world’s heaviest man.”

So he wasn’t joking? What the matter, he’s a monster of a man:

In his bid to become a record-breaker, 70-stone Paul scoffed whole boxes of Sugar Puffs in one go.

In his bid to become a record-breaker, 70-stone Paul scoffed whole boxes of Sugar Puffs in one go. Yesterday he was eating entire roast chickens in one go. One mouthful and it’s gone.

But what we want is pain, and human suffering to make this story really fly and we soon get it:

Last night his tearful sister Louise, 43, said his compulsive eating had torn the family apart – and left her and fellow sibling Judith with nothing… Louise said he had a huge fry-up for breakfast, a king-size kebab for lunch, fish and chips for tea and another fry-up for supper.

But doesn’t he have fish and chips for lunch? But the narrative moves on, and having introduced the freak and the tears, we now get to learn how Paul Mason affects us:

Obesity expert David Haslam said a “phenomenal amount” had been spent on Paul over the past seven years. He added: “If you add up all the GP visits, hospital visits, visits from carers and nurses, transport costs, disability living allowance, home adaptation and home help from social services it comes to £1million.”

Paul Mason is a one-man industry. Factor in the amount he spends on food, and you’ve got a man who is one of Ipswich’s biggest employers…

70 Stone Paul Mason Is The World’s Fattest Dancer

Image via Dave Cullen

Posted: 21st, October 2009 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink