
Anorak News | Adam Lambert On The Early Show, In Pictures

Adam Lambert On The Early Show, In Pictures

by | 25th, November 2009

lambert-noshADAM Lambert is last season’s runner up on American Idol. At the American Music Awards, Lambert’s music took in a rubbing a dancer’s face into his crotch. If it helps him hit the low notes, so be it.

He then got off with a male band member and stuck his finger up in the air. Lots of people tuned in, 1,500 complained and Lambert is no longer a lump of reality TV dross – Lambert is edgy and challenging and turning telly viewers gay.

Lambert then went on GMA stands for ‘Gays Made America’. But he didn’t – his performance was cancelled. Do instead he stuck his gayness of The Early Show, and families tuning in got to see a pretty ordinary signer with dyed hair – think Jess Conrad meets The Producer’s Hitler – sing a song.

He said:

“I think that if it had been a female pop performer doing the moves that were on the stage, I don’t think there would be nearly as much of an outrage. At all. Like I said, there were other performers doing risque things. I think it’s because I’m a gay male, and people haven’t seen that before.”

The TV showed a kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears on the MTV Video Music Awards in 2003? Lambert’s accusation of double standards seems to have weight.

But he’s wrong. The trust is that the US protectors don’t like lesbians any more than they like homosexual men having sex.

Madonna and Spears aren’t real lesbians – they’re just a straight male fantasy. So it’s ok. Actual Gay men and gay women are not allowed unless they are funny, camp or both.

Anyhow, Lambert used his sex to become famous. So he’s pretty normal…


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Adam Lambert appears on CBS's 'Early Show' at the CBS Early Show Studio Plaza in New York, USA

Posted: 25th, November 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink