
Anorak News | Tiger Woods Sex Scandal Linked To Leading UK MP

Tiger Woods Sex Scandal Linked To Leading UK MP

by | 10th, December 2009

WITH no news on any more Tiger Woods’ women, and Katie Price yet to deny sleeping with the golfer, the Sun wonders who the wayward golfer can be made relevant to the British news agenda. And it delivers the front-page clincher;


The Sun puts the figure shafted by Mr Darling (handicap: useless) at 10milion. Over to you, Mr Woods…

Woods Accident

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Rachel Uchitel arrives from New York at the Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2009. The National Enquirer published a story alleging that golfer Tiger Woods, who was involved in a car accident near his home on Friday, had been seeing the New York night club hostess, and that they recently were together in Melbourne, where Woods competed in the Australian Masters. Uchitel denied having an affair with Woods when contacted by the Associated Press. (AP Photo/David Zentz)

Posted: 10th, December 2009 | In: Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink