
Anorak News | Tiger Woods: Another Woman Denies Sex With Tiger, No Word From Katie Price, Susan Boyle And Jennifer Anston

Tiger Woods: Another Woman Denies Sex With Tiger, No Word From Katie Price, Susan Boyle And Jennifer Anston

by | 16th, December 2009

TIGER Woods: Still no word from Katie Price, nor Jodie Marsh to go on the record to say they have not had sex with Tiger Woods. Others we’ve not heard from: Cherie Blair, Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Ferguson, Rebecca Loos, The Pussycat Dolls, Anorak TV’s golf reporter Theresa Green and Susan Boyle. But now one woman does go on the record: Reader Cheryl:

Tiger Woods isn’t even handsome and not a bit of sex appeal about him. This is one time I can put my hand on the bible and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – I have not shagged with Tiger Woods. Perish the thought!

See if you can spot yourself:


Image 3 of 53

Posted: 16th, December 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink