
Anorak News | Condoms For Polar Bears And Other Ways To Kill Humans

Condoms For Polar Bears And Other Ways To Kill Humans

by | 18th, February 2010

POLAR Bear Watch: In this instalment of polar bears in the news we spot the polar bear condom. How do you put a condom on polar bear? Carefully. Unless you want to die. Do you want to die, human?

Through a network of more than 3,000 volunteers, the Center for Biological Diversity is distributing 100,000 free Endangered Species Condoms in all 50 states to highlight how unsustainable human population growth is driving species extinct at a cataclysmic rate.

Rubber Insulated Sex for Gaia?

That’s not the sound of a condom splitting – it’s Mother Nature’s scream.

The beautifully designed packages, featuring clever slogans, are being distributed by a network of 3,000 volunteers ranging from ministers to grandmothers to healthcare providers to college students and biologists.


Along with two condoms, each package contains original artwork and information on the species, facts about overpopulation and the extinction crisis, and suggestions on how the human population can be stabilized.

Every time you don’t use a condom a frog dies. Or a gnat. If you use one of these, you kill a polar bear…

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Posted: 18th, February 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink