
Anorak News | Sarah Ferguson’s Wooden Doormat Joins Geena Davis’s Female Crusade: Pictures

Sarah Ferguson’s Wooden Doormat Joins Geena Davis’s Female Crusade: Pictures

by | 23rd, February 2010

8423384WHO better than Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, to address the UN conference ‘Engaging Philanthropy to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment‘? Fergie been helping Haiti with T-shirts and marking Prince Andrew’s 50th birthday with miniature pictures of their daughters by society portrait artist Basia Hamilton (£7,000) a £180 bespoke doormat and a hand-carved wooden door stop.

Fergie says the key to equality is ”good mothering” because mothers promote education.

No mention of good fathering, however.

* She announced a new initiative called ”the Mother’s Army” to ”harness the collective power of mothers” to enable women and girls to ”dare to dream.”

But how many princes are there to marry? Maybe attendee Princess Madeleine of Sweden can helps Fergie and actress Geena Davis with an answer?

Davis said research shows that there are three male characters for every female character across all film ratings and that the vast majority of female characters ”are stereotyped and hyper-sexualized.”

Well, yes…


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Posted: 23rd, February 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink