
Anorak News | Kyra Ishaq: Junaid Abuhamza, Angela Gordon And The Home Education Debate

Kyra Ishaq: Junaid Abuhamza, Angela Gordon And The Home Education Debate

by | 25th, February 2010

KHYRA Ishaq was killed by Junaid Abuhamza and Angela Gordon. She was 7. She died at her home in 2008. Justice is slow. West Midlands Police have given us pictures of 30-year-old Junaid Abuhamza, who pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility, following the death of his step-daughter. So too Khyra’s mother Angela Gordon. It’s tomorrow’s front pages: new monsters to hate. And expect a heated debate on home education – was Kyra was not at school…


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West Midlands Police undated handout photo of the Bedroom/Front Room of Leyton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Angela Gordon, the mother of Khyra Ishaq, was cleared of murder but convicted of the manslaughter at Birmingham Crown Court today after prosecutors accepted her defence of diminished responsibility. Khyra, aged 7, died at her home in 2008 of an infection after being starved over a period of weeks or possibly months.

Posted: 25th, February 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink