
Anorak News | In Pictures: Kate Winslet And Sam Mendes Split

In Pictures: Kate Winslet And Sam Mendes Split

by | 15th, March 2010

DIRECTOR Sam Mendes and actress Kate Winslet have separated after nearly seven years of marriage. The Oscar-winning couple are no more. Winslet hooked up with Mendes after marriage to Jim Threapleton failed. They married in 1998 and had a child called Mia Honey. Winslet married Mendes in 2003 and with him brought about Joe Alfie Winslet Mendes. So, that’s two children by two marriages. If Winslet wants to wind down, that part as Carol Jackson in the EastEnders movie is hers…


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Kate Winslet kisses new husband Jim Threapleton at the Empire Film Awards in London, after winning Best British Actress award for her role in Titanic.

Posted: 15th, March 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink