
Anorak News | Sandra Bullock’s Cinnabun Is Missing As Jesse James Talks Of Michelle McGee

Sandra Bullock’s Cinnabun Is Missing As Jesse James Talks Of Michelle McGee

by | 18th, March 2010

KEEPING up with tattooed American women presenting their massive, misunderstood Jordans to us in the manner of St Agatha leaning on a golf club bar do is keeping Anorak busy. No sooner has Joslyn James published her alleged text messages from Tiger Woods (NSFW) than Sandra Bullocks husband is talking about those allegations that he’s shagged a walking tapestry called Michelle McGee.

And then Sandra’s dog Cinnabun goes missing. What does Cinnabun know?

Jesse James tells People:

“The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify these private matters with any further public comment. There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me. It’s because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way.

“This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.”

Tell it to the dog… He can’t stand it.


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Posted: 18th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink