
Anorak News | Katie Price Fears She’s More Hated Than Cheryl Cole

Katie Price Fears She’s More Hated Than Cheryl Cole

by | 29th, March 2010

KATIE Price, aka Jordan, is “the most hated woman in Britain”. It’s thanks of Katie Price, a glamour model with a disabled son and two other well-fed kidzz, the Lucille Ball – Desi Arnez act Junior Pete and Princess TenaLadyMee that Vanessa George, Tracey Connelly and Cheryl Cole (she puts personal feelings about what’s good for England’s World Cup heroes, readers) are able to sleep at night.

Katie Price career in pictures (NSFW)

The Daily Star brings news of hated Katie Price in “JORDAN’S STREET ATTACK TERROR”.

She’s been “attacked by an angry mob” outside London club Modiva. Well, not so much attacked as “mobbed”. And not so much mobbed as bundled into car by a minder. And so much bundled as led to a car by a man with his hand pushed in the general direction of a camera.

Ashley Cole’s Women (Alleged)

In other news, Katie Price “fears” she is the most hated woman in Britain…


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Katie Price arrives back at Gatwick airport with her daughter Princess Tiamii, tonight.

Posted: 29th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink