
Anorak News | Angelina Jolie, Lady GaGa And Megan Fox Turn 15% Of American Women Gay, Says Science

Angelina Jolie, Lady GaGa And Megan Fox Turn 15% Of American Women Gay, Says Science

by | 6th, April 2010

SO, Dr Sax, “Why are so many girls lesbian or bisexual?” And if you can mention Angelina Jolie, Lady GaGa, Megan Fox and John Mayer in your answer, so much the better.

Psychologist John Buss estimates that for most of human history, perhaps 2% of women have been lesbian or bisexual.

You can’t argue with the science (article continues after gallery)

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Not any more. Recent surveys of teenage girls and young women find that roughly 15% of young females today self-identify as lesbian or bisexual, compared with about 5% of young males who identify as gay or bisexual.

Before we get to why, there’s an advert to “Search for a mental health professional near you”.

But why are young women today at least three times more likely than their brothers to identify as bisexual or homosexual?

Because the boys like it?

“I kissed a girl and I liked it,” Katy Perry told us in her #1 hit single. Megan Fox, Lindsay Lohan, Lady Gaga, Anna Paquin, Angelina Jolie, Drew Barrymore – they all want us to know that they are bisexual.

The doctor has a question:

Why is it OK for girls to be bisexual or homosexual, but not boys?

Is it because the boys like it and boys make up Megan Fox’s fanbase?

Over the past seven years, I’ve posed this question to hundreds of teenagers and young adults across the United States. The most common answer I get isn’t really an answer.

“Girls kiss other girls at parties because guys like it,” one teenage girl told me. “It makes the guys hoot and holler, so the girls do it again. They’re just doing it for attention. It’s not for real.”

But why?

I point out, as gently as I can, that that response doesn’t answer my question. Pretending to be lesbian or bisexual doesn’t explain why a growing proportion of young women are lesbian or bisexual.

Or does it?

There then follows the most god-awful bit of misogynistic pap ever written under the banner marked science:

Female sexuality is different from male sexuality. If a straight boy kissed another boy, perhaps to amuse some girls who might be watching, he would be unlikely to undergo a change in sexual orientation as a result. But, as Professor Roy Baumeister at Florida State University and others have shown, sexual attraction in many women seems to be more malleable. If a teenage girl kisses another teenage girl, for whatever reason, and she finds that she likes it – then things can happen, and things can change. If a young woman finds her soulmate, and her soulmate happens to be female, then she may begin to experience feelings she’s never felt before.

Girls can be turned, readers. Boys no. Kissing boys retain stiff-upper lip. And John Mayer hasn’t kissed a boy. But he does enjoy porn.

Is there any connection between these two trends – between the rise in the number of young women who self-identify as lesbian or bisexual, and the increasing normalization and acceptance of pornography in the lives of young men? Maybe there is. A young woman told me how her boyfriend several years ago suggested that she shave her pubic hair, so that she might more closely resemble the porn stars who were this young man’s most consistent source of sexual arousal. She now identifies herself as bisexual.

Yes lads, it worked!


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Posted: 6th, April 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink