
Anorak News | Mark McGowan 10,000 Prostrates Before David Cameron

Mark McGowan 10,000 Prostrates Before David Cameron

by | 7th, April 2010

MARK McGowan plans to prostrate himself 10,000 times in front of a “large photographic image of Conservative leader David Cameron on (election day) May 6th, 2010, opposite number 10 Downing Street.” (Miodrag Gidra Stojanovic is watching.)

He explains:

“The prostrations can be seen as a sign of reverence to a noble man, David Cameron, the man who can lead this country out of the problems we are in. It should take me about two-and-a-half days to complete, I will start at 10am on Thursday 6th May and finish on Saturday 8th May, by which time this country will see a new leader. Gordon Brown, the Labour party and champagne socialism is over.”

So, over to champagne Toryism instead. Except of course you can’t get into Downing St these days without an invitation and the police won’t allow him to loiter about outside for long. I just hope Mark doesn’t end up with sciatica – Madam Arcati


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Mark McGowan, controversy-seeking performance artist who previously ate a swan to challenge the monarchy, turns his attention to the late reality tv star, Jade Goody, who died of cancer in March, on display at The Guy Hilton Gallery, 35 Fournier Street in London.

Posted: 7th, April 2010 | In: Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink