
Anorak News | Election In Pictures: Gordon Brown Is House Hunting In Derby

Election In Pictures: Gordon Brown Is House Hunting In Derby

by | 13th, April 2010

THE Election in pictures took in William Hague on a set of scales in Bolton; Nick Clegg sniffing chips and a truly odd picture of Prime Minister Gordon Brown chatting with 5 year old Daisy McKinley and her mother Catheryne when he visited the home of her grandparents Nancy and Les White in Erewash, Derbyshire. Why? No idea. Perhaps he needed the loo. Or else he’s lookign for a new house…


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Conservative Party leader David Cameron speaks, watched by Shadow Chancellor George Osborne (left), at the launch of the Conservative Party election manifesto, at Battersea Power Station, London.

Posted: 13th, April 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink