
Anorak News | Michelle McGee Says Blame The Married Man Whores

Michelle McGee Says Blame The Married Man Whores

by | 14th, April 2010

MICHELLE McGee says it’s time to blame the men for shagging her walking tapestry. It’s the men who make the women into whores. Via PopEater and The Superficial:

“I want to say to the rest of the country, ‘Stop taking it out on the mistresses and start taking it out on the men who are cheating on their wives,’ ” McGee told Inside Edition. “Why are these men getting off scot free while the mistresses are considered whores, and we’re stepped on and we’re booed and we’re called nasty names?

Hey, you called yourself Bomshelter, not us.

It’s the man’s responsibility, they’re the ones in the marriage, they need to keep their vows. It’s very easy to say, ‘You know what I’m a married man.’ They can easily walk away,” McGee said.

Married men should be forced to wear a tattoo on their foreheads. It’s the only way…


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Posted: 14th, April 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink