
Anorak News | Catholic Church Blames Paedo Abuse On Internet Porn In The, Er, 1970s

Catholic Church Blames Paedo Abuse On Internet Porn In The, Er, 1970s

by | 17th, April 2010

HAVING blamed the Devil, the victims, the Holocaust, a lack of girls and the homosexuals for the paedo priest scandal, Mexico’s Bishop of San Cristobal de las Casas diocese Felipe Arizmendi blames the television and internet pornography.

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Yep, priests not only fiddle with kids but they watch porn too. The Jesus penis was the thick tip of the iceberg. Says he:

If on television and on the internet and in so many media outlets there is pornography, it is very difficult to stay pure and chaste.”

Anyone look in at the internet between 1970 and 1975 when Ireland’s paedo priests were allegedly at work?

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Posted: 17th, April 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink