
Anorak News | In Pictures: Sunderland’s Anti-Paedo Park

In Pictures: Sunderland’s Anti-Paedo Park

by | 5th, May 2010

AT Sunderland’s Diamond Hall Pocket Park, a new £70,000 makeover has turned the place into a “death trap”. So much for health and safety and cotton wool culture. The death trap sounds like a step in the right direction, a return to the 1970s when climbing bars had proper old-fashioned sharp edges and the ground was concrete laid over a permafrost of dead vermin.

How To Spot A Paedophile In The Park

Jackie Nisula, a local, says:

“I think it’s a shambles and a death trap. I’ve seen kids of six or seven climbing on the poles. Can you imagine what would happen if they fell off them. There’s things that look like miniature gravestones sticking out of the ground.”


Image 3 of 5

Whoah, kids. Wait a moment. She’s not finished talking. The park’s not going anywhere:

“They put lots of holes in the ground with photographs, covered by glass, but they were all smashed after one day. There’s no seating area to watch your kids. It doesn’t seem to be child friendly at all.”

No sitting areas for paedophiles to sit and watch the kids, is what she should say. This is the park of the future.

“The stepping stones are really high and made out of concrete. Kids want to jump over them but they could easily crack their heads open.”

Last one to the park’s a nonce!

“It just doesn’t seem to have been made with kids in mind.”

Add a pit full of crocodiles and it’s the stuff of childhood dreams. It could be better as our gallery of this fine park shows…

Posted: 5th, May 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink