
Anorak News | Danny Dyer’s Tips For Slashing Hiram Monserrate In A Broken Bottle Fight

Danny Dyer’s Tips For Slashing Hiram Monserrate In A Broken Bottle Fight

by | 5th, May 2010

DANNY Dyer says slashing your ex-girlfriend’s face is fine if she dumps you and is having fun with someone else. You can see our photos of Dyer being throttled here.

And read Aunty Danny’s tips in Zoo magazine.

And if you’re in the US, you can watch Hiram Monserrate, the chap who lost his state senate seat after slashing his girlfriend’s face with broken glass, get punched in the face.

Hamilton Nolan says:

Hiram Monserrate got himself some nice attention yesterday when he announced that he’ll be fighting in a charity boxing tournament to raise money for autism. Mostly the attention was like, “Seriously, boxing is your first public act after the whole wife-slashing thing?” But still, attention.

Here’s Danny – who remains a blunt instrument.


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Actor Danny Dyer, uses a Thompson Sub Machine Gun during weapons and combat training in Cobham, Kent, in preparation for the filming of a World War II movie, Age of Heroes.

Posted: 5th, May 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink