
Anorak News | Michael Jackson’s Spare Heads And Naked Pamela Anderson On Marc Quinn’s Floor: Pictures

Michael Jackson’s Spare Heads And Naked Pamela Anderson On Marc Quinn’s Floor: Pictures

by | 7th, May 2010

PAMELA Anderson’s chests and Michael Jackson’s head are on display at London’s White Cube Gallery. The Ecstatic Autogenesis of Pamela is a bullet-hard sex doll-statue of Pammy. Jackson’s head is a football-sized doorstop, furthering the idea that the Man In The Mirror was a Worzel Gummidge of music, as Worzel was the Jackson of children’s telly and cake.

Also, spot Thomas Beattie, the pregnant man, striking a pose. And get a load of Allannah with her gigantic milky breasts engorged breasts and penis riding Buck, a manly man with a vagina. And isn’t that the real Chelsea Charms, albeit more life-like?

It all has much to say about the world we live in. And if it turns you on, then so much the more telling…


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'Man In The Mirror' part of the Marc Quinn exhibition at the White Cube Gallery in London.

Posted: 7th, May 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink