
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann: The ‘Suspect Photo, Scotland Yard And A New Maddie

Madeleine McCann: The ‘Suspect Photo, Scotland Yard And A New Maddie

by | 9th, May 2010

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann – the ‘suspect’ photo, the new Our Maddie and Scotland Yard investigates…


Gail Cooper is in Praia da Luz, at the Express’s expense. She says she saw the man who might have kidnapped Madeleine McCann. He’s the suspect who looks like the late George Harrison (see images below).

There is news of a man in a photo:

DETECTIVES have been handed a photograph showing a man behaving oddly in the days before Madeleine McCann was kidnapped.

Today we reveal that one of Mrs Cooper’s friends, Leanda Hodson-Mackey, took a snap of her husband Stephen, 34, and son, then aged two, and the man appeared in the background, walking along the beach during a downpour.

Go on:

Although his features cannot be clearly made out, there is a rough image which could be enhanced with FBI picture improvement techniques.

So. A woman who knows Gail Cooper has a photo of her son which features a man whom she does not know. And this man, as the headline says, is a “Suspect”. He is a suspect because he is near a child on wet beach?

Mrs Cooper, 53, from Newark, Nottinghamshire, told the Sunday Express last week she believes the same man went on to kidnap Madeleine McCann.

But this man’s face cannot be clearly seen. How does she know that it is the same man she claims to have seen?

Leanda’s mother Trudy Dawkins, 49, was also in Praia da Luz at the time. Says she:

“When we were back home it was on the news that Madeleine had disappeared and we all racked our brains to see if there was anything we could remember which would help the investigation.

“We all remembered this man walking along the beach in the rain, then Gail recalled he later went to her villa.

“Leanda had a throwaway camera. She went through the pictures she had taken and realised the man was in the background in one. Detectives took a statement from her and took away the picture, but we don’t know what happened after that.”

Such are the facts.

Daily Mirror: “Mum’s fear of ‘Maddy’ tot kidnap”

No, not that Our Maddie, sorry, Maddy. Another one:

A mother yesterday told of a “Madeleine McCann moment” when she saw a car thief drive off with her baby girl in the back.

Madeleine McCann is now a feeling.

She told police: “I couldn’t get Madeleine out of my head. Was the person who took her a paedophile? I thought I’d never see her again.”

No, not that Our Maddie. This is a new Maddie. And:

The woman, who can’t be named, had left the baby in a BMW with the engine on as she ran to collect her older daughter from a nursery last December. Serial car thief Paul Sweet then leapt in, failing to spot the one year old.

So. He did not steal the child deliberately. He is Paul Sweet not Paul Sweeties.

Cardiff crown court heard the car was found shortly afterwards. The girl was unharmed. Sweet, of Cardiff, was jailed for 34 months for child abduction and other offences.

Not a paedo. The child is safe and well. As he says:

“As I turned around to search the back I immediately noticed a baby. I panicked, picked up the bag and left. I would never have taken the car if I had known there was a baby in the back.”

Says the judge:

Judge Stephen Hopkins QC told him: “The mother of the young child was totally devastated by what you did. She had visions of that well-known disappearance case of Madeline McCann.”

Visions? What happened? The fear happened. The fear is spread. The fear that the press told us was “every parent’s worst nightmare” is almost real…

NOTW: “Murder chief for Maddie”

A chief of murder?

Top cop spearheads new probe into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann

Lucy Panton has news:

BRITAIN’S top murder cop has been lined up to spearhead a new probe into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, we can reveal.

It’s Det Chief Insp Colin Sutton.

Senior child protection officer Jim Gamble has asked Scotland Yard to take a fresh look at the three-year investigation.

Asked. It’s not been done.

Madeleine McCann: No suspects. The parents are innocent. The child is missing – still missing…


Image 7 of 184

A general view of the of the apartments at the Ocean Club in Luz in the Algarve, Portugal, where Madeleine McCann went missing on Thursday evening.

Posted: 9th, May 2010 | In: Madeleine McCann Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink