
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann: Kate McCann Raises Jimmy Mizen’s Media Profile

Madeleine McCann: Kate McCann Raises Jimmy Mizen’s Media Profile

by | 11th, May 2010

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann: Jimmy Mizen was killed. He was 16.

Jimmy Mizen was at the Three Cook’s Bakery in Lee, London, with his older brother Harry. Jake Fahri entered. There was a scuffle. Fahri tossed a glass dish at Jimmy Mirzen. It hit his neck. The glass severed his jugular vein. Jimmy Mizen died.

Madeleine McCann went missing from her family holiday flat. We do not know what happened to her.

So, then, to a service held in memory of young victims of knife and gun crime. And there is Kate McCann sharing a “sympathetic hug with Barry and Margaret Mizen on the steps of Westminster Cathedral”.

It’s all heart-breaking stuff. The Mail says Kate McCann was there having been personally invited by Mrs Mizen because “they were both mothers who had lost their children”.


The Mizens called for more to be done to stop young people being murdered in the UK.

The McCanns are the benchmarks for lost children. Did Mrs Mizen invite Kate McCann beccaue, yes, she too has suffered but also because with her there the story will make it into the papers? The Mail has photos of Kate McCann and Mrs Mizen and her husband Barry in an embrace.

Does Our Maddie make us care more for knife crime and Jimmy Mizen, or does she just help us to notice it? And, mind, that knife crime is not exactly ignored in stories of broken Britain.

The Sun has a similar shot and words of Margaret Mizen:

“Kate’s a mum like me who lost a child..mine’s safe in heaven now but Maddie’s missing. The pain must be unbearable”

If you want to raise the profile of your lost or missing child, to give their life meaning, call the McCanns. If they come, the media will soon follow…


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Undated Family handout photo of 16-year-old Jimmy Mizen. Comedian Harry Hill will today present the keys of two minibuses in memory of the murdered schoolboy. Just days before the anniversary of the teenager's death on May 10, Hill will hadn over the keys of the "Jimmybuses" which will help Scouts travel around the UK.



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The Old Bank Hotel in Oxford where Kevin Halligen whose firm helped to look for Madeleine McCann was arrested after a hotel manager recognised him as an alleged fraudster wanted by US authorities.

Posted: 11th, May 2010 | In: Madeleine McCann Comments (10) | TrackBack | Permalink