
Anorak News | Lianne Smith: Martin Smith, Paedo, Ghosts And Blaming The Police

Lianne Smith: Martin Smith, Paedo, Ghosts And Blaming The Police

by | 20th, May 2010

LIANNE Smith’s children Rebecca Smith, 5, and her brother Daniel, 11 months, are dead. Their bodies were discovered in a hotel room at the four-star Hotel Miramar in Lloret de Mar.

Mrs Smith’s partner is Martin Smith. They are not married – their shared surname is a coincidence. He is in custody in the UK. Martin Smith is accused of unrelated child sex offences. He is on remand at Carlisle Magistrates’ Court until 7 June. Mr Smith was arrested in Barcelona as part of Operation Captura, a list of British criminals believed to be hiding in Spain.

He was extradited over 13 charges of sexual offences, including rape, against a girl aged between seven and 18 and for failing to answer police bail. You want more? Lianne Smith worked at Cumbria Council – in the children’s department. She did not work with children. More?

And in December 2007, the family went missing. In 2007, Mr Smith was on the telly, appearing as guest physic on Most Haunted.

This story has many elements to make it tabloid fodder. The news round-up – let the speculation begin:

The Guardian: “Police search Lianne Smith’s Barcelona flat”

Today, as Lianne Smith left the apartment close to Barcelona’s famous Sagrada Familia temple in handcuffs with a jacket draped over her head, investigators were looking for any possible link between the killings and her partner’s extradition to Britain.

Looking for a possible link? They should read the Mail – see below. What of Lianne Smith?

PA Newswires:

A British woman held in Spain on suspicion of killing her two young children had tried to commit suicide immediately after her alleged crime, a Spanish newspaper said Thursday. Police declined to comment on the report, on the web site of the leading Spanish daily El Mundo.

Daily Mail: “Mother ‘who killed her children’ in Spanish hotel room ‘tries to commit suicide’”

The mother suspected of killing her two young children in a Spanish hotel room on the Costa Brava has also tried to take her own life, it emerged today.

Lianne Smith was today helping police as they pieced together the last moments of her five-year-old daughter Rebecca and 11-month-old son Daniel.
They were found dead in Room 101 of the Miramar Hotel in Lloret de Mar on Tuesday afternoon.

But a photograph taken of the 43-year-old showed clear attempts at self-harm with a bandage on her left wrist…

She firmly believes he is innocent – but was left in despair after he was extradited to the UK.

So. Who can we blame?

Martin Brunt, Sky: “Spain Tragedy: Someone Let Down The Children”

Why did the Spanish police arrest Martin Smith on child sex crime allegations and allow his wife and their two children to disappear with such tragic consequences?
I’m trying to find an answer, but the three UK police forces involved seem reluctant to discuss their own responsibilities.

And how can we make it worse?

This is London:

Investigators will probe whether the children were drugged before they died — or suffered any kind of sexual abuse in the months leading up to their deaths

And still worse:

News & Star: “Mum held on suspicion of killing kids worked for Cumbria children’s services”

Investigators will probe whether the children were drugged before they died — or suffered any kind of sexual abuse in the months leading up to their deaths.

The Daily Mail today carried an interview with Mrs Smith, said to be given to a publicist just days before the deaths of her two children. In the interview she explained the family’s decision to leave England in 2007 and said: “I feel we took the only action possible.”

They made the decision to leave when social services in Staffordshire threatened to take Rebecca into care.Investigators will probe whether the children were drugged before they died — or suffered any kind of sexual abuse in the months leading up to their deaths.

She told the publicist: “At that point we decided to take action. We were not prepared to sit back and be the victims, and for the sake of our daughter we had to act quickly. “Martin and I talked about it and decided we would just disappear and start a new life.”


Holiday? What holiday? They fled to Spain.

Lianne Smith made a desperate plea for help days before her children were found dead in a Spanish hotel room, it was revealed last night.

She had told an undisclosed source: “I don’t know how I’ll cope.”

Shortly after her partner Martin Smith had been held in Spain, Mrs Smith, 43, spoke candidly about her situation.

In a tearful phone call she said: “Martin’s gone now and I’ve been left looking after both of the children.

“I really don’t know how I’ll cope. I’m not sure what my plans are now.

“I’m trying to get my head together and work out what to do.”

Who knew her best?

The Sun:

FORMER neighbours of Lianne and Martin Smith called them “anti-social and ignorant” yesterday…

One neighbour said: “The husband was quite ignorant. He was anti-social and didn’t speak at all.

“On one occasion I spoke to him as he was getting into his car but he ignored me. I thought maybe he was deaf but next time he did the same thing.”


More to follow…


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Posted: 20th, May 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (12) | TrackBack | Permalink