Sarah Ferguson Alleges That Prince Andrew Doesn’t Just Play Golf And Shag: World Shocked
YOU cannot but feel sorry for Prince Andrew. One minute he’s a feckless amateur golfer jetting about the world eying up totty, his biggest worry keeping a decent side parting and not getting spotted staring your girlfriend’s breasts as you talk to him.
The nest moment his former wife has opened her trap door and turned him into a man worth paying for, a figure of influence who actually holds down a job.
Says Fergie:
“Look after me and I’ll look after you. You’ll get it back tenfold.”
She pimped Andy out for £500,000. No pressure, Andy, but you need to make any deal worth £5m. We’d advise selling your sperm as stud fodder and taking up professional football. Says Fergie at a charity prize giving:
“But when the children’s choir came out tonight and I saw their little faces, I turned round to my friend and said, ‘You know what, I’m glad I did because it is about the children’,” she added. “I learned today about making a difference. Most importantly I learned I hate grown-ups and I love children.”
Tell Prince Andrew something he doesn’t know. A few days on from Fergie’s greed exposed and the Duke of York is on a visit to Meridian Audio, an audio equipment manufacturer, in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. Rumours are that the executive boardroom has a putting machine and a pert secretary. But it’s small consolation…
Posted: 25th, May 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink