
Anorak News | Ace Of Bass and Madonna Both Love Lady GaGa’s New Nostalgia Song: Alejandro

Ace Of Bass and Madonna Both Love Lady GaGa’s New Nostalgia Song: Alejandro

by | 8th, June 2010

LADY GaGa, that Madonna camel with Grace Jones boots, has anew song called Alejandro – which as you scholars know it Latin for C’Mon England! C’Mon! Soon it will be shorthand for “We’ve got a huge budget and need to spend every penny.” In Westminster it will be a new greeting.

“Alejandro, Mr Cameron.”
“Alejandro,” Mr Clegg.
“Alejandro, suckers.”

It’s a great tune. And we loved it the first time we heard Madonna sing it, last night when I dreamt of San Pedro, just like I’d never gone, I knew the song… and then we saw the sign with Ace of Bass and it opened up our eyes.

Because after seven minutes of this we’d nodded off… Anyhow, isn’t Lady GaGa meant to be dead?


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Posted: 8th, June 2010 | In: Music Comment | TrackBack | Permalink