
Anorak News | Israel Sends Aid Floatilla To Turkey: Armenians And Kurds Expectant

Israel Sends Aid Floatilla To Turkey: Armenians And Kurds Expectant

by | 9th, June 2010

THE Mavi Marmara, Marvi Marmara or Mavi Banarama, has caused outrage and much more outrage. so much outrage that it’s ahrd to see what else is going on inthe world. In Israel, peaceniks hear the cry of the Kurds in Turkey. And they are on their way in a floatilla:

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Although most of the recent talk regarding flotillas has revolved around ships sailing toward Gaza, at least two plans have emerged for “reverse flotillas” – from Israel toward Turkey – to highlight what organizers have labeled the Turks’ “shameless hypocrisy” in their criticisms of the Jewish state.

The most ambitious of the two plans has been devised by members of Israel’s National Student Union, who this week announced their intention to set sail toward Turkey, in an effort to bring humanitarian aid to the “oppressed people of Turkish Kurdistan” and to members of the “Turkish Armenian minority.”

Says student union chairman Boaz Torporovsky:

We need three things to pull this part off. Money, logistical support and balls – and we’ve got the last two things covered.

No, not ballbearings. Balls. This is peace, people…


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Video Of People Being Shot Dead On Marvi Marmara

Posted: 9th, June 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink