
Anorak News | Katie Price And Alex Reid’s Wedding To Be Coffee Table Book: Pictures

Katie Price And Alex Reid’s Wedding To Be Coffee Table Book: Pictures

by | 22nd, June 2010

THIS week’s OK! leads with the Katie Price and Alex Reid “WEDDING SPECIAL”. But not a special wedding because Katie and Mr Toffee Crisp are not yet married and Katie has been married before in OK!.

Katie Price’s Career As Jordan (NSFW)

Five years on from that day and Katie and Peter Andre’s wedding is billed as a “national fairytale”. What nation looks to that day as an inspiration to its citizens is unsaid, but to our money it’s either Rwanda or Transylvania.

Katie Price And Horses (NSFW)

Katie says Alex is her “knight in shining armour”. Hey, Katie it’s not armour – that’s his skin.

And we can see it and the rest of the marriage lights show on Katie & Alex: For Better For Worse, a three-part ITV special. This has earned the couple £600,000.

Peter Andre – A Career

What’s more, the wedding will be published as a “glossy coffee table book” – with varnished legs an easy-clean surface and a milk jug fashioned from a hot-air balloon.

The wedding do will be at Pennyhill Park, where, we learn, Cameron Diaz, Daniel Craig, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman have all spent a while.

Alex Reid Naked (NSFW)

Add thanks to Katie and Alex you can add to that list such luminaries Michelle Heaton, Danny Dyer, Nicola T, Danielle Lloyd and Dane Bowers.

Bring sunglasses…

That first wedding report


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Peter Andre performs on stage at IndigO2 in Greenwich, London.

Posted: 22nd, June 2010 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink