
Anorak News | Police Car Humper Lespaul Stuckey Is The Tattoo Face Mugshot Of The Day

Police Car Humper Lespaul Stuckey Is The Tattoo Face Mugshot Of The Day

by | 2nd, July 2010

LESPAUL Stuckey is our Tattoo Face Mugshot Of The Day. Mr Stuckley, 27, is accused of causing an “annoyance by making unreasonable noise or an offensively obscene utterance, gesture or display”.

In short: when pulled over by the police in Ohio he began humping the police car.

He’s not the first.

Mugshots – The Ironic T-Shirts
The World’s Weirdest And Stupidest Tattoos

The gallery so far:


Image 50 of 53

Posted: 2nd, July 2010 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink