
Anorak News | Why Raoul Moat Hates The Police And Shot Sam Stobbart To Help Her

Why Raoul Moat Hates The Police And Shot Sam Stobbart To Help Her

by | 7th, July 2010

RAOUL Moat is on the run. Having already heard Moat tells the world via a letter I am very sorry about Sam [Stobbart], and wish I hadn’t shot at her…” the Mirror leads with:


This is the “killer in phone gloat”.

Having killed Chris Brown (pictured) and shot Sam Stobbart, allegedly, – he would later shoot PC David Rathband – Moat calls Anthony Wright, his friend of 16 years. The conversation goes like this:

Moat: “I’ve just done the f*****s”
Wright: “What are you on about, kid?”
Moat: “He said, ‘She’s all right. But he’s f****d. He’s gone’”

Says Wright:

“He told me he had two shots left and he was going to use them to kill himself. I told him not to, but he said he had to go and promised to phone again. That was the last I heard from him.”

Wright says Moat thought about going on a rampage but Derrick Bird put him off.

“He said he wouldn’t want to be remembered as an animal so seeing the Derrick Bird stuff had put him off. He had gone to see the priest in jail. He told him the thoughts he’d been having and how he had taken what happened in Cumbria as a sign.”

What about his youth?

“When he was a young lad his step-dad used to beat him up – really batter him. He would lock him in his room and he told me on Friday that being banged up for 23 hours a day had brought back the bad memories of his childhood.”

Why does he hate the police? As he says in his 49-page letter headed “Raoul Moat Murder Statement 4/7/10”:

I will keep killing police until I am dead.”

The letter tells us:

“Last night I called 999 and declared war on Northumbria Police before shooting an officer on the West End A69 roundabout in his T5. Sitting there waiting to bully someone.

“Rang again and told them they’re gonna pay for what they’ve done to me and Sam.

“I went straight but they couldn’t let it go. The public need not fear me but the police should as I won’t stop till I a m dead. On the night 3/7/10 I shot Chris Brown and Samantha Stobbart, after an argument earlier that evening.

“They took it all from me, kids, freedom, house, then Sam and Chanel. Where could I go from there? Hid under ******’s window and waited. For an hour and a half I listened to them mocking me.

“It was hurtful listening to Same, especially after six years. They had opened a window and I could hear everything. If I was ever going to back down listening to them stopped that.

“At 2:30am they came out. I shot him in the chest and he ran off. Sam screamed and tried to stop me as I gave chase. I fired the second and he went down.

“I reloaded two rounds. One for Sam, one for him. Sam’s was half the powder with pellets.

“With a superficial injury she would get massive compensation payout for her and Chanel’s future. “I put the third round in his head and went to the window to fire at Sam.

“It hit but she seemed OK. Obviously I have issues but I was pushed. I never beat my kids. I could simply admit to anything now cos it doesn’t matter.

“I’m a killer and a maniac but I ain’t no coward.”

An expert analyses the letter that is now repeated in all media:

Moat is a wannabe celebrity. Deeply inadequate, he has to be permanently at the centre of attention.

That is why he will be delighting in the drama he has built, with the police chasing him. He thinks he is giving a demonstration of his power.

Job done. Back to his views on the police. Says the aforesaid Wright:

“There was a period over four or five months when his car was stopped 100 times. If his tax disc was a day out of date they’d be straight on to him. On another occasion he’d been gardening for an old lady and she asked him to take a couple of bits of metal to the dump for her which of course he said he would.

“Just down the road, the police stopped him and asked him if he was insured to carry scrap. He said it wasn’t scrap, it was waste that he was taking to the dump as a favour but they called his insurance company and impounded the truck. He then had to pay £220 to get it back.

“On its own, that’s just a small incident. But there were so many others and they just built up and built up in his head. I can’t put into words just how much he hates coppers.”

And what of the police investigation? They were warned that Moat had been talking in prison about revenge. Now his former lover Yvette Foreman, 35, says:

“Turn yourself in, pet, it’s not worth it.”

She lives in Rothbury, where Moat is thought to be hiding:

“I told police as soon as I heard he was on the loose he’d be heading for here and they did nothing. If I could speak to him, I’d just say come on, pet, turn your-self in, it’s not worth it.”

In pictures:


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A police officer holds an evidence bag containing a orange t-shirt recovered near to a make shift campsite used by gunman Raoul Moat in a field close to Wagtail Farm, near Rothbury, Northumbria.

Posted: 7th, July 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (8) | TrackBack | Permalink