
Anorak News | Raoul Moat Day Six News Round-Up And Pictures: Mam’s Story

Raoul Moat Day Six News Round-Up And Pictures: Mam’s Story

by | 8th, July 2010

ROAUL Moat: Anorak’s round-up of the fugitive wanted for, allegedly, killing Chris Brown and shooting PC David Rathband and Samantha Stobbart. Police yesterday offered a £10,000 reward for information leading to Moat’s arrest.

The Accomplices

Karl Ness, 26, from Dudley, North Tyneside, and Qhuram Awan, 23, from Blyth, Northumberland, have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and possession of a firearm with intent.

Not the Awan I Knew

A NEIGHBOUR who went to school with one of the men arrested in the Raoul Moat manhunt said he must have been “in the wrong place at the wrong time”. Qhuram Awan, 23, from Blyth, Northumberland, was a “good lad” and “always happy”, according to Chris Brown. “If someone said he had been arrested in connection with all this I wouldn’t believe it,” he said.

Chris Brown?

The Mail wonders:

Are gangsters shielding the killer? Mystery man in the bulletproof vest

A man in handcuffs is helping the police. We watched him walk into the woods surrounded by a phalanx of armed police. We were told not to show his face.

Where Are You, Raoul?

The Scotsman wonders:

RAOUL Moat, the fugitive gunman at the centre of a huge manhunt in the northeast of England, continued to elude police yesterday, as authorities admitted he may have escaped from their search area.

Shoot To Kill

Daily Star (front page): “SHOOT ON SIGHT”

Police are ready to “nail the 6ft 3in steroid freak

The police believe Moat may be following the news on a phone. The police are appealing for him to give himself up. They are flattering him and reaching out. They call him a “measured individual”.

And then the Star wades in.

The Force

Daily Mail (front page): “NOW SAS JOINS GUNMAN HUNT”

The Star again:

They were armed with Heckler and Koch G36 assault weapons, which were used in Northern Ireland. Another eight Met armed response vehicles, each carrying three officers tooled up with pistols and Taser stun guns, also arrived in the area. And a crack team of police snipers who specialise in kidnap, hostage and siege situations were brought in, along with their Barrett Light 50 super-guns which can kill a man from up to a mile away.

Excited yet?


The Sun (front page): “YOU’RE BETTER OFF DEAD, SON”

“And that is Moat’s own mother speaking”

Daily Mirror (front page): “I WILL KILL YOU MAM”

No, she’s not threatened to kill the Queen. This is Moat pointing two fingers at his mum’s head. Says Josephine Healey:

“In 2007, a blonde girl brought him to the door. He was threatening to kill me. Why would he do that? “He put up two fingers to me while he was there with her. He did not want anything to do with me. He put his two fingers pointing to me like a gun.”

The Boy I Knew

Says Josephine Moat:

“When he was little he spoke with a lisp. He was so quiet, shy and polite.”

She added: “He was never an angel. He was like all little boys. We used to find him with pockets full of spiders.

The Mail tells us how:

Mrs Healey says her gentle son disappeared when he was 19. She says he was replaced by a snarling individual who hated everything – and everyone.

Or as the Daily Record hears Healey tells us about a meeting before Moat fashioned his fingers into a gun:

Josephine even contacted the Salvation Army to find him after a period of illness but she did not see her son for years until, one day, he turned up out of the blue. She recalled: “This was the person I recognised as my son. He was quiet, non-violent. I had no problems with him at all. He sat down in the living room and we had a quiet chat. I was feeling very ill. He looked well cared for and clean, loved. After 20-30 minutes, he said, ‘I am going, mam’. He never looked back. That was about 10 years ago.”

What Shall I Do, Mum?

* “This man does not look like my son. I feel like he hasn’t been my son since he was 19 years old. He now has a totally different character, attitude and manner. Now when I see him I don’t recognise him at all. He would be better off dead. If I was to make an appeal I would say he would be better dead.”

Sam Stobbart’s Father Paul Stobbart Appeals

“Raoul, son, please this has to stop, we don’t want anyone else hurt. Everything you are doing is jeopardising my relationship with my grandchildren – you know they mean the world to me. They are my life, simple as that.

“You know, Raoul, the children are number one, nothing will happen to them. I will make sure of that. What sort of legacy is this for your daughter? You know I won’t lie if she asks about her dad, how good a dad you have been and how bad it has turned out. I want no one else hurt, this has gone too far”

Moat On Life In Jail

I underestimated how hard it would be. It’s not like the public thinks. It’s proper s*** surrounded by mostly junkies and scum, locked in a tiny cell 23 hours a day, with inmates dropping like flies.

In one week, one cut his throat, one wrists and one hung himself. Some of these kids just made one mistake and can’t hack it. Me, I couldn’t hack being away from Sam and my daughter. Time had no meaning in jail. One hour is like a week.”

Meanwhile in Rothbury

The Express:

RESIDENTS in the small market town at the centre of the search for Raoul Moat kept calm and carried on yesterday as the hunt moved on…

Normal as?

Morris Adamson, who runs Rothbury Family Butchers, said: “It’s business as usual today. We’re carrying on regardless.”

He added: “Most trade has been from the media and police”



Image 3 of 47

The police try the Taser

Posted: 8th, July 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink