
Anorak News | Raoul Moat Day Seven News Round-Up And Pictures: SAS, RAF And B&B

Raoul Moat Day Seven News Round-Up And Pictures: SAS, RAF And B&B

by | 9th, July 2010

RAOUL Moat is big news because he allegedly killed Chris Brown, shot Samantha Stobbart and PC David Rathband. He is big news because he might shoot you next. As the Star’s front –page headline warns:


No-one. Not, Osama bin Laden, the Queen, Jeremy Kyle or you. But it’s OK because police have Moat cornered in Rothbury, Northumberland. Unless he’s at a family at home in Kenton, Newcastle. Police knock on the door. Says dad:

“There were 10 guns pointing at my face as I opened the door. Officers are doing their jobs but why are people saying Moat is round our house?”

Say mum:

“I was told to stand in the window with my hands showing while they took out my husband and made him kneel. They were pointing guns and shouting. They handcuffed him and I was led out. We’re told the police were phoned and informed he was here. It was frightening.”

Northumbria Police say the suspected killer had made threats to the wider public. The police are professionals. You’re safer with them around:

Police left a clip of bullets behind at a home they searched in the hunt for Raoul Moat. A Swat team officer dropped a magazine clip containing 20 copper-tipped, 5.56 calibre bullets capable of piercing steel.

In The Village Hall

Police held a meeting with local people at Rothbury’s Jubilee Hall. They urged residents to “close your doors, close your windows” and avoid unnecessary travel.


So says the Sun. you might laugh:

But there were moments of unexpected humour, such as at the beginning of the meeting when Acting Chief Constable Sue Sim stood up to explain the fire regulations.

There was laughter as she pointed out the various exits as if she was an air hostess at the start of a flight, saying: “Fire exits are here, here and here.”

And only panic. That sound you hear is a “RAF Tornado warplane”.

The 860mph GR4 has a sophisticated infrared camera usually used for covert missions in Afghanistan.

Where Is Moat?

Detective Chief Superintendent Neil Adamson, steps forward:

I have no doubt from enquiries to date Mr Moat has received help from other people. I want to make it clear anyone found assisting, harbouring or in any way helping him will be arrested and prosecuted.”

But Moat is in the hills, right? What says an expert?

Duncan Clark, who has SAS training, said the best chance of capturing him alive was a dramatic change in the weather. He said: “Cold and rain would slow him up, make his brain work slower. He would be uncomfortable with wet clothes and his resolve to survive would erode.”

But cold and wet in July will not slow up the police, right?

Says Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Jim Campbell:

“We are using a variety of tactics in our continuing efforts to search for Moat. Our intention is and always has been to apprehend him safely and bring this inquiry to a conclusion.”

They are using threats, guns and cunning:

Two men who were initially believed to be his hostages were yesterday brought before Newcastle magistrates, where they were said to be part of his violent campaign against the police.

The men, 26-year-old Karl Ness and Qhuram Awan, 23, were charged with conspiracy to commit murder and possession of a firearm with intent. They were arrested on Wednesday near the black Lexus vehicle that Moat was believed to have used to travel to Rothbury.

Northumbria Police refused to comment on suggestions that the men’s appearance at the car without Moat may be part of a ruse to draw attention away from another hiding place.

How else did they allegedly help Moat?

* Ness and Awan allegedly gave Moat a sawed-off shotgun when he was released from prison last week.

Other supplies he bought himself:

* New CCTV footage released last night of bodybuilder Moat, 37, shopping for camping supplies in a DIY store in Newcastle upon Tyne showed he had cut his hair into a Mohawk, like vigilante cabbie Travis Bickle in the film Taxi Driver.

So, Moat is prepared and ready. The Mail calls him “the chancer with a shotgun”.

SAS media man Andy McNab has more expert words:

He might top himself at any moment. Then it could take weeks to find him.

SAS media man 2 Chris Ryan:

For I can say, as a former member of the SAS, that this is precisely the sort of task for which the special forces are trained. Indeed, the search for this former bouncer sounds almost exactly like one of the classic ‘escape and evasion’ exercises that are used to select and train Britain’s special forces.
During these gruelling ordeals, recruits are taken out into a wilderness and then left there to survive on their own wits, without being caught – for
six weeks.

What About Them?

* Police search for gunman ruins couple’s getaway weekend

Richard Pettett (56) and Linda Williams (57), from Ashford in Kent, are enjoying a week’s break in Rothbury. Instead of seeing the Northumberland countryside, they have found themselves confined to their bed and breakfast at Wagtail Farm — the scene of a number of police searches in recent days, including last night.

It’s boiled eggs… again:

Ms Williams, a gardener for the National Trust, said: “When we came back last night we thought we were clear because Rothbury was completely clear of the police that have been around for the last two or three days, until we hit the top of the lane and we were asked not to come down.

“We explained we were staying at the B&B and they radioed down and said everything was clear so far and we could enter the property. So here we are this morning hoping we can get out and do something else today. But we will have to wait and see.”



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Armed Police on the roundabout at the junction of the A1 and A69 in Newcastle where a police officer was shot earlier today.

Posted: 9th, July 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink