
Anorak News | After The World Cup: What Happens Next – In Pictures

After The World Cup: What Happens Next – In Pictures

by | 12th, July 2010

SPAIN have won the World Cup and while the nation celebrates in the traditional manner by infighting, serving drinks to drunk English tourists and writing personal thank you letters to referee Howard Webb, the Dutch look admirably bitter in defeat.

The Americans carry on regardless, happy to have beaten Team England and win the World Cup in all the sports that matter every year. The British news media gets back to the job of not reporting on anything to do with post-War Germany.

South America reverts to being that place where the cocaine comes from and the tabloids’ favourite Germans go to. Morgan Freeman can stop being Nelson Mandela’s stand in. Larissa Riquelme contemplates a move to Sunderland. Manchester City thinks about buying Spain as a feeder club.

And the vuvuzela joins trad jazz as the music of lost causes…


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Spain captain and goalkeeper Iker Casillas lifts the world cup trophy

Posted: 12th, July 2010 | In: Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink